A Shape Note Daily Lectionary Hymnal

Shape Note here refers to musical notation in which the shapes of the noteheads vary in accordance with their place in the diatonic scale. This hymnal uses the four-shape system, often referred to a "fasola", which is used in The Sacred Harp and many other tunebooks, most of them intended for three- or four-part a cappella group singing, dating from the early 1800s to the present day. (The Sacred Harp was first published in 1844, but while it is the most widely used such tunebook today, it was not the first, and has never been the only such.

Daily Lectionary here refers to the list of Daily Readings of the Revised Common Lectionary, a list of Bible readings for use over a three-year period ("Year A, Year B, Year C"). These readings may be used for private or public Bible study or devotions; some or all of the readings for each Sunday of the year are read aloud in Sunday worship services, and provide preachers and worship planners with a default guide to the selection of songs and sermon topics. The readings for the preceding Thursday through Saturday are generally geared to prepare those who follow them for a deeper understanding and appreciate of the coming Sunday's readings, while the readings for Monday through Wednesday elaborate on aspects of the preceding Sunday's readings.

This "hymnal" strives to provide appropriate hymns for those using the Lectionary to supplement their studies, devotion, or services in the singing style of The Sacred Harp shape-note singing community. It is under construction; links to a number of hymns proposed for a similar number of daily readings may be found here. The beginnings of a map between the three years of Lectionary Calendar and the ca. 365.25 days of the ever fluid Gregorian calendar may be found here.