Cousins' Christmas Carol Collection

     In 2003, I married a woman whose extended family had a longstanding early family Christmas party they call "Cousins' Christmas". Sometimes some of them—now us—would gather around a piano and sing some Christmas songs. I was already the creator of an extensive online hymnal, TTT-Himnaro Cigneta, a collection of more than 500 hymns (lyrics and midi files of the tunes), mostly in Esperanto. So I got to work, and by my third Cousins' Christmas, I had compiled a Christmas-themed collection I called CCCC, or "Cousins' Christmas Carol Collection". I ran it off on the copy machine at work, crammed it into three-ring binders, and distributed it to both of my extended families. I made no effort to publish it beyond that, except to maintain an index to it for awhile at, mainly because some of the contents are/were under copyright, and I was in no position to pay the big bucks I imagined the owners would demand if I told them what I was up to. In 2006 I added a supplement with about 20 more songs to add to the 85 or so in the 2005 handout.

     Since 2006, I haven't added much to it, and since dropped it from their database a couple years ago, I have been thinking I should redo it somehow, for more public consumption. So here goes... I'm going to add the contents of the 2005-2006 collection here for online perusal (and, I hope, singing), minus the © portions unless I can wangle permission from their owners, and I'll add in some Greater Christmas songs I've found and enjoyed since the CCCC came out. Hopefully eventually I'll add PDFs so people who want to print off their own copies, maybe for use in caroling parties, may do so. The 2005 issue contained a number of typos and a couple of larger errors of my unintentional devising. To the extent I notice them, those will not reappear in these pages.

Table of Contents (in page order)

Alphabetical list of contents