Clarence Bicknell's Hymns / La Himnoj de Clarence Bicknell
Clarence Bicknell (1842-1918) was a British polymath, a "Renaissance Man", who is most widely known for his accomplishments in the fields of botany, archæology, and Anglican priest, an artist, a poet, the founder of the first museum and library in Bordighera, in the portion of the Piedmont near the border of France and Italy...
...and he was also the first major writer of hymns in Esperanto, and translator of hymns into Esperanto. His hymnic output was not huge, but they formed a significant portion of the contents of the first Esperanto Christian hymnal, Ordo de Diservo (1907), and almost a century later nine of his hymn texts were included in the most recent major Esperanto hymnal, Adoru (2001). He also composed one tune that made it into the 1906 English Hymnal, with an English text of course.One of my goals in life is to publish a collection of all of Bicknell's surviving hymnic works, ideally with English translations as well as the original and translated Esperanto texts, and with an Esperanto text to be sung to his tune, called COME FAITHFUL PEOPLE.
Here is a list of the hymnic works of Mr. Bicknell.