Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Charles Wesley

Hymnary text authority (3161 instances)
Cyber Hymnal™ page PD

1 Jesus, lov­er of my soul,
  Let me to Thy bo­som fly,
  While the near­er wa­ters roll,
  While the tem­pest still is high.
  Hide me, O my Sav­ior, hide,
  Till the storm of life is past;
  Safe in­to the hav­en guide;
  O re­ceive my soul at last.

2 Other re­fuge have I none,
  Hangs my help­less soul on Thee;
  Leave, ah! leave me not alone,
  Still supp­ort and com­fort me.
  All my trust on Thee is stayed,
  All my help from Thee I bring;
  Cover my de­fense­less head
  With the sha­dow of Thy wing.

3 Wilt Thou not re­gard my call?
  Wilt Thou not ac­cept my pray­er?
  Lo! I sink, I faint, I fall—
  Lo! on Thee I cast my care;
  Reach me out Thy gra­cious hand!
  While I of Thy strength re­ceive,
  Hoping against hope I stand,
  Dying, and be­hold, I live.

4 Thou, O Christ, art all I want,
  More than all in Thee I find;
  Raise the fall­en, cheer the faint,
  Heal the sick, and lead the blind.
  Just and ho­ly is Thy name,
  I am all un­right­eous­ness;
  False and full of sin I am;
  Thou art full of truth and grace.

5 Plenteous grace with Thee is found,
  Grace to co­ver all my sin;
  Let the heal­ing streams abound;
  Make and keep me pure with­in.
  Thou of life the foun­tain art,
  Freely let me take of Thee;
  Spring Thou up with­in my heart;
  Rise to all eter­ni­ty.


In recent decades, ABERYSTWYTH has displaced MARTYN as the leading tune for this hymn in American hymnals. Historically, in the Hymnary database, fully 114 tunes have been paired with this text, with MARTYN overwhelmingly in the lead with 622 hymnals pairing them, followed by REFUGE (244), HOLLINGSIDE (181), and ABERYSTWYTH (160), and then the next contender, Sweney's "Jesus, Lover of My Soul", a distant fifth with only 13 pairings.