Proposed for inclusion in


A Babe in Mary's arms

James Hart Brumm

Hymnary text authority (2 instances)
© 1991 Brummhart Publishing Company, Napanoch, NY

1 A babe in Mary's arms, 
  dependent, quiet, weak:
  who saw within that infant face
  the Savior all would seek?

2 Disciple by the stream,
  baptized by John's own hand:
  could this strange seeker truly be
  the Rescue God had planned?

3 Now we bring our own child
  with all our hope and fear:
  what plans and dreams dare we expect
  from one we hold so dear?

4 Yet still we share the vows
  though we can't see the goal.
  Through water he's an heir of grace,
  by Love we all are whole.

Notes: This text was written by James L. H. Brumm, and the original tune CHRISTOPHER JOHN was composed by his wife, Kathleen Hart Brumm, for the baptism of their recently born son in 1991.


© 1991 Brummhart Publishing Company, Napanoch, NY